With PingThemAll Pro, anyone can create an IP network device monitoring system in minutes.
Just add the devices you wish to monitor to the configuration file, and you will be up and running in no time.

Download Free version:

The Free version of PingThemAll will allow you to monitor up to 10 devices.

When you buy PingThemAll Pro, you can choose the number of devices that fits your needs - from 10 to 10,000 devices!

Click the blue button below to download the free version (button will turn green.)

SHA256 file hash is BC6BA51AE0CDD81A7F69D9ADE731CFD8B8F842434B7078A936216214BD898821

The current software version is

We provide the SHA256 file hash in case you wish to verify the integrity of your download.

There are multiple Windows utilities to show you the hash of a file, but we recommend including PowerShell, which is built into Windows 10.
To check the hash of the file you downloaded using Powershell:

  • Run Windows PowerShell (powershell.exe) on your computer.
  • In PowerShell, type get-filehash -path "C:\Users\$env:UserName\Downloads\ptafree.zip" <---modify this path if file is located elsewhere
  • This should display the Hash of the file, which should match the hash we listed above.

    We appreciate you considering PingThemAll Pro... If you can ping it, we can monitor it.