With PingThemAll Pro, anyone can create an IP network device monitoring system in minutes.
Just add the devices you wish to monitor to the configuration file, and you will be up and running in no time.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q: Is PingThemAll Pro free or shareware?

A: No. PingThemAll Pro is a copyrighted, licensed product. However, we do offer a free trial version with limited functionality, available for download on this website. We can also create you an customized extended trial version with the Internet Hosting option enabled if you contact us.

Q: What are the technical requirements of PingThemAll Pro?

A: A Windows 10 PC with a valid IP address that can ping the devices you wish to monitor is all you need. Even if it's a super-old PC, chances are it will run PingThemAll Pro just fine, since it was designed to be clean and lean, requiring just a tiny bit of RAM, disk space and processing power. Since Windows 10 has the Edge browser built-in, you don't even need to load another browser (though you can if you want.)
  • A computer running any version of Windows 10, 32-bit or 64-bit.
  • 1 megabyte of disk space (yes, you read that right.... only 1 meg!)
  • Your favorite web browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, IE, Chromium, Safari)

Q: I see that you require a Windows PC, but then you mention Safari, which is a Mac application. Also, Chromium is Linux! What gives?

A: Yes, this is all true. While Safari actually was available for Windows years ago, PingThemAll Pro's engine runs on a Windows PC but the results of the pings can be displayed on any system that can open a webpage. That is because PingThemAll Pro generates a standard HTML page based on the results of the last round of pings. You can have the same Windows PC run the engine and display the results, or you can have a Windows PC run the engine, and other computers (yes, plural) display the results. For example, you run the PingThemAll Pro engine in the background on your desktop PC or a laptop in the server room, but you display the results on a wall monitor in your office connected to a Raspberry Pi. Or perhaps you use a SmartTV that has a web browser app. The choice is up to you!
Q: Is PingThemAll Pro going to bog down the computer it's running on, or do I need a dedicated PC?

A: No, PingThemAll Pro will not bog down your computer. I wrote the program to be lean and simple. It uses such a small amount of processing power, than some people elect to just run the engine on a regular production PC and display the results on a second monitor. If you decide to dedicate a PC to PingThemAll Pro, the fact that the program is so lean allows you to use an old PC or laptop for this task. As long as the computer can run Windows 10, PingThemAll Pro should work fine on it.
Q: Will PingThemAll Pro support devices on different networks?

A: Yes, as long the computer on which you run PingThemAll Pro can ping them. In fact, you can even monitor Internet sites if you'd like, such as google.com or yahoo.com, to ensure your Internet cosnnection is up.
Q: I've got a unique device that runs weird software. Can you monitor it?

A: If it has an IP address and will respond to a ping, then YES. PingThemAll Pro doesn't care about what the device is, what it does, where it was made, who it voted for, or what operating system it uses. If you can ping it, we can monitor it.
Q: You mention in "Features" that this is a perfect solution for a datacenter monitor. What do you mean?

A: Datacenters, Network Operations Centers, IT departments and such often like to keep an eye on systems by glancing at screens. Many times, large wall-mounted monitors are placed where operators can see the status of systems while they perform other tasks. PingThemAll Pro fits perfectly into this mindset, allowing observers to easily notice changes in the status of monitored devices. See the "About PingThemAll Pro" page for examples.
Q: Will PingThemAll Pro send me an e-mail when something stops responding?

A: Yes, PingThemAll Pro will send you an e-mail if you'd like, when any device stop responding, or when just certain devices stop responding. This means that you decide what you want to be notified about, and what you don't. Also, as it runs, PingThemAll Pro shows you line-by-line the status of every device, and at the end of the ping cycle, any devices that did not respond will be displayed on the continually-refreshed "pta status" webpage, which can be displayed on as many screens as you'd like. Even if you choose not to use the e-mail feature, you can always jump to the PTA Results webpage, any time of day, from any Internet-connected device, to get a real-time view of what's going on.
Q: If I buy, how do I receive my software and how quickly?

A: Once you have purchased your license, we receive notification within minutes. We deliver your licensed software to you via the e-mail address specified when you order. You will receive a ZIP file containing your licensed software within 24 hours in most cases, with the exception of weekends and holidays.
Q: Where is PingThemAll Pro made?

A: We are based in Ashville, Alabama, USA. All our programming and support is done in-house from our Alabama location.

PingThemAll Pro... If you can ping it, we can monitor it.